

NOTE : After Preparing for NID UG(/PG) students can successfully appear for UCEED, MIT ,SID , DJ , MSU, UNITED

Highly favoured and effective manual designed to appear for the 1st round of the entrance test of the NID UG(/PG).

The manualconsist a set of books which includes all the drawing , designing , creativity , general knowledge topics for the entrance exam of these institutes.

Custmise to make you understand what creativity is and how ideas can generated in short span of time.which is the basic requirement of any Design school.

PG students : They have to mention the specialisation they apeeraing for a specially designed Manual to succesfully appear for NID

FOCUS CEED PG (Industrial Designing )

Students who desire to master in Design at IIT , the complete guidance and detailed coaching Manual.

The manual is prepared to complete the basic requirement for designing , creativity but moreover with the years of experience the special manual for industrial design for only CEED students what they can expect in Exam and how to successfully appear in them.

The manual consists a set of books which covers all the detailed topics for successfully appear at entrance exams.


NOTE : After Preparing for NID CEED(PG) students can successfully appear for MIT , Symbiosis.

Designed for students who are preparing toMaster in Design for every possible Design School in India and abroad.

The manual is prepared to complete the basic requirement for designing , creativity but moreover with the years of experience the special manual for industrial design for only CEED students what they can expect in Exam and how to successfully appear in them.

The manual consists a set of books which covers all the detailed topics for successfully appear at entrance exams.

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